' A rural choice for your whanau'
VISION : Inspiring confident, caring learners to strive for excellence.
Mission: 'Pursue the highest peaks' - whaia te taumata
Welcome to our website for Te Tipua School.
Te Tipua primary school is located on the corner of the Glencoe (Mataura to Winton) Highway & Te Tipua School Road. We are 10 kms from Mataura and 20 kms from Gore.
We would love to show you around our school and have spaces for enrollments for Year 1 - 8 students.
For our Year 7 & 8 programme we have a specialized programme for this age group of children joining with other country schools.
Te Tipua Bus Society provide an awesome bus service for our students to get to school within our zone and we use the society for our school trips. We also have a privately funded bus which can pick up students at their convenience.....Just ask!
Contact: Phone 03 203 8550 email: admin@tetipua.school.nz
Our Values
Achieving excellence through:
Responsibility/ Kawenga – Trustworthy. We can be accountable for own actions. Aiming High. Perseverance.
Respect/ Whakaute – Treat with courtesy. Hold in high regard. Tolerant of others. Being fair in a team. We can care about ourselves and others, our community and our environment.
Kindness/ Atawhai - Help others, Show concern for others. Friendly to others
Honesty/ Ngakau pono – Truthful to others and yourself. Doing what is right regardless of who is around. Someone others can trust.
For these values to have meaning, and for students to have ownership, students, and their families, provided their understandings. These understandings have been incorporated within the school’s Hauora (well being).
Read our latest ERO report Follow us on Facebook
Our contact details:
Phone: 03 203 8550
Email: admin@tetipua.school.nz
Term One :
Wednesday 31 January - 12 April
Term Two:
Monday 29 April - Friday 5 July
Term Three:
Monday 22 July - Friday 27 September
Term Four:
Monday 14 October - 13 December

2018 Te Tipua School